Sonic Adventure Dx Guide

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Sonic Adventure Dx Guide

(DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 ADVENTURE FLOW The central game of SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut™ is called the “Adventure mode.” The Adventure mode is comprised of two “areas.” One area, called the “Adventure Field,” contains a variety of “Events” that are encountered in the course of the overall adventure story.

.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 4:06 PM Page 1 MANUAL COVER (FRONT).99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: READ THE FOLLOWING WARNINGS BEFORE YOU OR YOUR CHILD PLAY VIDEO GAMES WARNING - Repetitive Motion Injuries Playing video games can make your muscles, joints or skin hurt after a few hours. Follow these instructions to avoid problems such as Tendinitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or skin irritation: Take a 10 to 15 minute break every hour, even if you don't think you need it.© 2001 NINTENDO.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 4:06 PM Page 2 Thank you for purchasing SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut™. Please note that this software is designed only for use with the Nintendo GameCube™. Be sure to read this instruction booklet thoroughly before you start playing.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 HARDWARE SETUP SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut™ is a one player game.

Connect the Nintendo GameCube™ Controller to the Nintendo GameCube™ Controller Socket 1. SAVE FILES SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut™ is a Nintendo GameCube™.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 MILES “TAILS” PROWER This sweet-natured fox is a natural born mechanic with the unique ability to fly high in the sky using his two special tails. A long time friend and admirer of Sonic, Tails devoted himself to tinkering in his workshop while Sonic was away on his journey.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 AMY ROSE Always bright and cheerful, Amy is the self- appointed girlfriend of Sonic. Possessing a strong competitive streak, she is second to none when in control of her Piko Piko Hammer. With many fond memories of her Sonic- chasing days, she’s thrilled when their two worlds collide again with the sudden appearance of a huge spaceship one fine.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 E-102 GAMMA Created by the evil Dr. Robotnik, E-102 Gamma is an E-100 series gunner robot.

Shortly after his “birth,” Gamma must pass a test that will enable him to join an elite unit of robots. His destiny then takes a drastic turn when he meets a certain frog with an unusual tail.STICK +CONTROL START/PAUSE “SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut™“ is a one player game. Connect the Nintendo GameCube™ Controller to Controller Socket 1.

✽A maximum of four players can participate in the Chao Race. See p.40 for the controls during the Chao Race.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 SONIC'S UNIQUE ACTIONS ▼ For a description of the actions common to all the characters, see p.13. SPIN ATTACK Position Sonic near an enemy and jump so that as he lands, he strikes the enemy with a furious spin attack in mid-jump. HOMING ATTACK Use this attack to have Sonic automatically zero in and strike any nearby enemies.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 KNUCKLES' UNIQUE ACTIONS ▼ For a description of the actions common to all the characters, see p.13. Pressing and Holding the A Button GLIDING JUMP Use the Control Stick to maneuver Knuckles during a gliding jump.

Attack using the gliding jump by hitting enemies with Knuckles’.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 BIG'S UNIQUE ACTIONS ▼ For a description of the actions common to all the characters, see p.13. POWER MOVES (CARRYING, THROWING, PULLING OR PUSHING) Due to Big’s large physique, he is able to lift, carry and throw heavy objects that the other characters can’t.After you turn the power ON and start the game, the Memory Card selection screen appears. Select the Memory Card containing the “SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut™” game file you wish to play. FILE SELECTION The file selection screen appears once a Memory Card is selected.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 MAIN MENU Control Stick + A Button = Enter, B or X Button = Cancel After selecting a Memory Card and game file, the Main Menu appears. Select a game mode to start game play.(DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 ADVENTURE FLOW The central game of SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut™ is called the “Adventure mode.” The Adventure mode is comprised of two “areas.” One area, called the “Adventure Field,” contains a variety of “Events” that are encountered in the course of the overall adventure story. The other area is called an “Action Stage.”.(DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 CHAO A special feature of SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut™ is the ability for you to raise a unique species of creatures called “Chao.” A Chao creature is essentially a “virtual pet” that you first encounter in the form of an egg in the Adventure Field.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 ITEMS There are two types of “items” that can be collected in SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut™.

A number of “Item Boxes” are located throughout the Action Stages as well as special “Level Up Items,”.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 HEDGEHOG HAMMER Take part in this no-holds barred “HEDGEHOG HAMMER” using the one and only Amy with her special hammer action. Collect points by whacking “Sonic” dolls as they pop up from a circle of holes.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 This mode will be unlocked to play once all the stages of each character have been cleared using every character respectively in the Adventure mode.

There are a great number of missions to clear. The missions can be cleared randomly, as it is not necessary to clear them in order.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 RAISING CHAO CREATURES IN THE CHAO GARDENS In this game, there exists a tiny and cute mysterious artificial form “A-LIFE” called “Chao.” Chao live in an environment called “Chao Garden,” and create a very unique ecosystem, learning and breeding according to the player’s actions.● Nintendo GameCube™.1 ● “SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut™” Nintendo GameCube™ Game Disc.

1 ●.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 This is a mini-game in which you, as Sonic, have 3 minutes to find a specific Chao for Cheese with help from Tikal. Before starting to play, it is necessary that you download this mini-game following the instructions outlined on p.36 - p.37.● Game Boy® Advance. 1 to 3 ● “SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut™” Game Disc. 1 ●.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 ENTERING A CHAO RACE In the Chao Garden, you can have your hand-raised Chao participate in the Chao Race. If your Chao wins, it will be awarded a medal. When the Race Menu appears, set the appropriate items and start the race.● Game Boy® Advance.1 ● SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut Game Disc”.1 ●.You can raise your Chao in the Tiny Chao Garden of either of the 3 games for Game Boy® Advance or play various mini-games. You can also take the rings you gained into Chao Garden in the “SONIC ADVENTURE DX-Director’s Cut™” with you.

Note that once you have put your Chao into the Chao Transporter of the Tiny Chao Garden, mini-games can be played without connection to Game Boy®.(DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 The following credits list the staff responsible for the localization, marketing and manual production for SONIC ADVENTURE DX- Director’s Cut™. See the in-game credits for the complete list of the original development staff. ◆ Sega Of America CREDITS ❏.99555 Aslan (DX GC Manual ) 5/13/03 4:08 PM Page 50 MANUAL COVER (BACK).

Emerald Coast-A Emblem time: 2 minutesFor the A Emblem, run along the side of the wall right after enteringthe second section. You have to make it into the tunnel up in the wallto take a crucial short-cut. Another important short-cut is when youreach the whole-pipe where you loop three times, run around and jumpover the water to the left of it. Right after that, hit the speed upand immediately spin-dash up the ramp. Hold hard right to skip a bigchunk of the level. Run up to the spring and continue as usual.Windy Valley-A Emblem time: 3 minutesUse your homing attack near the beginning on the little fan things. Inthe Tornado, hold down right after hitting the first spring to get tothe Number Pads quicker.

Also, when you are dropping into the thirdsection of the level, adjust the camera quickly and drop past the firstwalkway onto the one below. This one's pretty easy.Casinopolis-A Emblem time: 5 minutesLose a pinball game to fall into the sewers. Take the straight, thenleft path to collect more than 250 rings. Near the end of the garbagesection, use the Light-Speed Dash to get more rings, a shield, andinvincibility. Repeat quickly after dumping.

If you get hit in thesewers, you have to quit the level since the cylinders do not re-produce.IceCap-A Emblem time: 4 minutesIn the big snowy field, immediately go left or down after the camerachange, and Light-Speed Dash on the hill to reach the Number Pads. Warpquickly to skip the entire first section. Just as you hit the firstpoint marker, jump off and stay near the wall to skip a little bit ofthe level (don't fall all the way to the ground). In the snowboardingsection, take as many ramps as you can to push yourself forward.

Makesure to stay in the center near the end to catch the really good ramps.Twinkle Park-A Emblem time: 3 minutesAt the beginning, get into a cart immediately and get out of there. Atthe end of the roller-coaster ride, hold Down-Left on the joystick toavoid falling down the hole. Now backtrack up the roller-coaster trackslowly until you fall down. You should land on a platform. Jump veryfar and across towards the courtyard and double-jump to 'pop' farther.Go right to hit the triple-spring. After the last point marker, use thespring, then jump to the highest platform.

Now jump across to thebuilding on the left. Jump out and around the little fence towards theleft, and then Spin-Dash up the slope. The goal is on the left.Speed Highway-A Emblem time: 2 minutes, 30 secondsAfter the first point marker run along the side of the building to takethe 'high way' ( ;p ). This is really the only major short-cut in thisstage.

In the last section, go up the street and turn left when you hitthe main road. Spin-Dash like crazy on the far (right) side of the roaduntil you hit a spring. Go through the buildings and hit the dash panelto send yourself flying up the street. Run up to the fountain Spin-Dashing all the way.Red Mountain-A Emblem time: 3 minutesTake the first rocket and hold right to hit a spring short-cut.

Afterthe second rocket ride, hold up to land next to a spring. Up on theledge, immediately run across the bridge. Spin-Dash up the slope to theright and hit the spring beyond the goodies. After the first tramride, cross the bridge that falls apart and cross the short trail ofBladed Spinners to the Extra Life. Go right and take the number pads.Right after you get past the tilting platforms, look right and use theLight-Speed Dash on the trail of rings. Take the rocket immediately toshort-cut to the last tram ride.

In the lava section, use the Light-Speed Dash before the place with the spike-balls and big boxes toshort-cut to the second-last point marker (just take it slowly yourfirst time through and you should be able to find it).Sky Deck-A Emblem time: 5 minutesAt the second point marker don't take the dash panel. Turn right andcross the Bladed Spinners to a platform. Take the turning crane anddrop onto the next platform, where there is a rocket. After that, jumpto the left to get an Invincibility, which lets you climb the ladderwithout bothering with the spike balls. In the vertical section,Spin-Dash quickly up before the ship tilts to hit the save marker andspring.Lost World-A Emblem time: 4 minutes, 30 secondsIn the snake room, first go all the way around the platform withoutraising the water level.

Climb up and hit the first door switch there.Then jump up and hit the water switch. After the last water switch,roll backwards down the snake to reach the last door switch quickly.As you arrive in the mirror room you need to jump over the mirrors.Guess-jump your way through it. After the first right turn, headstraight for a long jump that will short-cut you across to a path thatwill skip the turning blocks. At the end you need to Light-Speed Dash.In the room with the switches and the blue panels on the wall, jump oneither button twice to line up and light up the wall panels on theright. Run straight up them and onto the lip of the ledge. Walk alongto the left and jump up into the opening in the wall. Wait for thecamera to adjust and Light-Speed Dash after hitting the button thatproduces a trail of rings.Final Egg-A Emblem time: 4 minutes, 30 secondsYou should have anything under 30 seconds at the second point marker.You have to use the dash panels in the big rotating rooms to make itout.

If you climb the walls too much, jump off and 'pop' to getfarther. Immediately in the second section, jump off the first place asfar as you can go and target the Bladed Spinner to shave off a couplemore seconds.

The swinging hammers after the third point marker aretough. Jump under or over, just don't wait too long.

You should makethe fourth point marker with around 2:30 on your clock. Immediatelyafter the fourth point marker jump off and to the right so that Sonicis spinning into the circular wall.

When you get low enough press (A)again to pop safely and quickly onto the circular walkway. Run into theelevator. Next is what I call the '1-Up Room' due to its two 1-Ups, aMagnetic Shield and four Random Ring Cylinders.

Dash through the centerto grab the 1-Up and Shield, and have someone use Tails to hit thespring in the upper-right-hand corner to nab another life. In the firstBeat room do not roll. Just jump long and far; do NOT Home-Attack. Getto the ladder quick and climb up. Next is the fifth point marker. Usethe fans quickly and keep on moving.

Sonic Adventure Dx Emblem Guide

After five sets of fans is thesecond Beat room. Jump again to hit the dash panel on the far side ofthe room. After the sixth point marker is the big drop. Stay a littleoff-center towards the right side of the wall.

You'll land on a plat-form. Quickly use the fans to enter the third Beat room. Jump towardsthe right. Spin-Dash through the big room to get to the seventh pointmarker. Follow the turn and Spin-Dash past the Egg Keeper. Keep Spin-Dashing and take a left-right turn to get to the eighth and final pointmarker.

You need around 10 seconds left to get the A now. Charge upyour Light-Speed Dash in the tunnel before the final room, then runinto the room and jump far and over the Egg Keepers. Do NOT Home-Attackor you will lose time and end your hopes of getting the Emblem.

Jump asfar as you can towards the ring line, still holding your Light-SpeedDash charged. Let go of (X) in mid-air to Light-Speed Dash. If you failyou can always select 'Restart' from the pause menu and try again fromthe last point marker. Tails' gameplay is very similar to Sonic's, plus the fact that to beatthe level you not only have to make it to the end alive, but you alsohave to make it to the goal ahead of the character you are racingagainst. Take advantage of the big green and black dash rings whichfloat around Tails' Action Stages. These are the air-based equivalentof dash panels.

Use these to get an unfair lead.C = Beat Sonic (or Robotnik) to the endB = Beat Sonic (or Robotnik) to the end with 50 RingsA = Beat an even faster Sonic (or Robotnik). Windy Valley-For Tails' A Emblem, jump backwards at the start and fly towardsthe walkway on the right. Take the dash rings that are near the firstloop-de-loop, and you'll hit a spring.

At the peak of your 'bounce'press and hold (A) to fly up into the air current. After you have hitthe spring there and are hanging in mid-air, press (A) to fly and movetowards the loop-de-loop and dash rings. Once the long row of dashrings stops, jump over the edge and press (A), then press (X) todescend faster and land on the final piece of land.Casinopolis-For this one there isn't much to say. Just take the straight path inboth of the windy rooms. At the end fly above all the garbage water andget the Protection Shields along the way.IceCap-Nothing but snowboarding makes this level EASY! I'd say the B emblem isharder than the A emblem in this level due to the high speeds in whichyou are moving.

For the B emblem, at the beginning of the level, thefirst group of rings is on the left, then three groups on the right,and a group on the left, then two in the center. For the A emblem stayoff the walls and take the ramps.Sky Deck-Right before the second point marker there is a platform to the right.Fly over to it, then fly forwards (after the camera change) to the nextplatform with a rocket. After the rocket ride, jump and fly over to theright, where there is a thin walkway along the wall. Follow this to theright and hit the dash panel. After climbing the ladder jump over themonkey bar set and proceed.Speed Highway-Robotnik's supposed to be HARD?!?! It's almost as funny asMicrosoft boasting that Windows 2000 'doesn't crash'! Operating systemsaren't SUPPOSED to crash, Bill!.gasp, wheeze.Well, anyway, from the first moving red and yellow platform jump andfly to the helicopter pad towards the right to cut off a chunk of thislevel.


After you take the lone dash ring towards the large circularbuilding, fly past the building and land on the area with two CopSpeeders. Take the dash ring and proceed. When you get to the platformwith the rocket on it, don't take the rocket. Instead, run forwards andfly past the platform onto the building. Run until you reach the lastpoint marker. Make sure you hit as many of the dash rings as possible.

Knuckles' game is totally different because instead of rushing to theend goal, you must find three Emerald Shards to beat his levels. Thesecan be hidden in obvious places, such as just out in the open, or theymay be hidden in enemies, in certain objects, or underground, where youmust dig them out.

Watch Knuckles' 'Emerald-Sense' at the bottom of thescreen to track how close you are to a Shard.C = Find the three Emerald ShardsB = Find the three Emerald Shards without using any Hint BallsA = Find the three Emerald Shards under 1 minute (2 minutes for Sky Deck). Amy's game is rather similar to Sonic's, as in you must get to a des-ignated goal. However, there are glaring differences. One is that thegray machine has been replaced by a big yellow balloon, and second, Amycontrols much much MUCH different from Sonic. The only way to get her AEmblems is to get very accustomed to her controls. Then getting her AEmblems becomes easy.C = Beat the levelB = Beat the level with 50 RingsA = Beat the level under the time limitTwinkle Park-A Emblem time: 2 minutesHot Shelter-A Emblem time: 6 minutes, 30 secondsFinal Egg-A Emblem time: 2 minutes, 30 seconds.

With Big you have to catch Froggy to beat the level. The tips here areto make sure you have all four of his Lure Upgrades, and the PowerFishing-Rod. Cast your lure out in front of the target fish, and tap(X) or (A) to attract the fish's attention. Once it bites, pull DOWN onthe Analog-Stick to snag it. Now to reel the sucker in. Let the fishmake its initial run.

Try to lead it into a wall to stop it. Once yourTension Meter quiets down, tap (A) slowly and methodically to bring itin. Whenever the fish starts to run, let it. You don't want to breakyour line, do ya?C = Catch FroggyB = Catch a 1000 g fish and FroggyA = Catch a 2000 g fish and Froggy. Twinkle Park-The only kind of fish here that are A Emblem-worthy are the big, ugly,hulking robotic fish. You should, as you know, have all four Lure upgrades.The fish has to be at least as big as your torso to be 2000 g.IceCap-In IceCap the hammerhead is your best friend. A small hammerhead sharkor even a blue shark that looks like Big could hold with one hand areperfect for the B Emblem.

A large-looking hammerhead or a medium-sizedblue shark will do fine for the A.Emerald Coast-The marlins, hammerheads, and blue sharks are the easiest here. I don'tgenerally go for the robotic fish other than in Twinkle Park 'cuzthey're way harder to catch. A teensy-weensy marlin, hammerhead, orblue shark will be great for the B Emblem. Larger ones are excellentfor the A Emblem. Use the sand-banks to your advantage!Hot Shelter-You will find great white sharks only in Hot Shelter. They're the best,but make sure they're fat as well as large. Since the circular area issmall, make sure the fish doesn't run all the way around the room.

Keephis face mashed into a wall to tire him out. Final Egg-A Emblem time: 150 seconds (2 minutes, 30 seconds)For the B Emblem on this you must target the ring cylinders. On thefirst turn, jump up and target towards the left.

Hopefully, you'llget some ring cylinders. For the A Emblem, target the largest groupspossible to get more time.Emerald Coast-A Emblem time: 180 seconds (3 minutes)At the beginning of this level go over the water and target all of theshore to get as many enemies as possible. Then, on the first bridge,target the Kiki there and jump up to get the ones on the bridge over-head into your group, also. In the final area, go around the slope andup the grass. When you get up, target ALL of the Kiki to get plenty oftime.Windy Valley-A Emblem time: 150 seconds (2 minutes, 30 seconds)Meet your friends, the Boa Boas.

You can get up to 40 seconds off ofone. That and the 2:30 time limit make this a cinch.Red Mountain-A Emblem time: 180 seconds (3 minutes)At the first big open section, target all of the Kiki and BladedSpinners to get lots of time. Before the first point marker, jump up toget the Kiki on the ledge along with the 'HIT!' There are many4-5 enemy groups in this area that you must take full advantage of tohave a chance at the A Emblem. After you get into the hole and nab thesecond and last point marker, just mash (X) or (B) to quickly targetand destroy obstacles in your way. When you are out, immediately shootthe 'HIT!'

As the first rock falls, jump, glide, land, andshoot the third rock's 'HIT!' Jump towards the falling rockand then jump to the last area where E-104 waits.Hot Shelter-A Emblem time: 120 seconds (2 minutes)This one is very simple. Once you get out of the elevator, sweep yourtarget from right to left to get all the Kiki and the 'HIT!' Targets.Move forwards and drop through the door. Press and hold (A) to glideinto the opening in the wall. Get the 1-Up and Magnetic Shield, thenglide across all the way. = Station Square#1.

In the Train Station.#2. In the Burger Shop.#3. In the courtyard where you first fought Chaos 0.#4. In the alley in the Casino section.= Mystic Ruins#1. On the ledge across from Tails' Workshop.#2.

In the air close to Angel Island.#3. On a path in the Mystic Ruins Rain Forest.#4.

In the tree of Big's Hut.= Egg Carrier#1. Above and across the pool.#2. On the high rotating dish. (transformation required)#3.

In Robotnik's bed. (transformation required)#4. In a box near the glass area. (transformation required). Sky ChaseSky Chase Act I = 8000 pointsSky Chase Act II = 20000 pointsTwinkle Circuit:Press (A) to accelerate and (B) to brake.

You can also use the (L) and(R) Triggers to make harder turns. Just a timed race through a futur-istic amusement roller-coaster ride. Go as slow as you can your firsttime through to get the first Emblem. Now beat your easy-to-beat 'high'score to get the second Emblem!

Hehehe.(2 Emblems total)TRICK: Press (A) right after the screen says 'GO!' To blast forwardSand Hill:Go through as many gates as possible. Every time you pass through agate, you get 'x1'. You must pass through a gate within three secondsof the last one to get 'x2', 'x3', etc.multiplying your score witheach gate. If you don't hit one within three seconds of the last one,you'll start over again at 'x1'.

The first Emblem is received just forcompleting the game. The second Emblem is received for beating a highscore of 10000 points. To do this it is ABSOLUTELY necessary that youdo NOT lose your 'chain' of gates (skip that one ramp), and that youbeat the game fast enough to receive the 5000 point Time Bonus.

Ofcourse, there's always the hard way. Ever tried hitting that one rampover and over and over and over and over.?(2 Emblems total)Hedgehog Hammer:This is easy. You have to use Amy, in case you're wondering. Use (X)and (B) to hit the Sonic dolls to get enough points to beat the highscore. Here's the scoring chart.Blue Sonic = 100 pointsYellow Sonic = 500 pointsRobotnik = -200 pointsThe strange thing is that beating high scores in Amy's Adventure Questwill not earn you the Emblems.

You must play this game from the TrialMode.(2 Emblems total). These are easy enough; once you've beaten a character's Adventure Questyou'll be treated to a high-quality credits sequence complete with thatcharacter's full theme song. At the end of the credits you'll get tosee an ending picture of that character. AFTER that, you'll be awardedan Emblem and the game will save. There are seven of these: the sixnormal characters' Endings.after you've completed all six characters'Quests, you'll be able to access Super Sonic.

Beat the game with him tosee the final ending, and receive the last Ending Emblem. You need to raise a Chao until its stats are high enough so it can winthe Chao Races. I ain't going into detail on raising Chao, but here'sthe vital stuff you need to know about entering.To enter your Chao in the Chao Races, go to Station Square's ChaoGarden (enter Station Square's Hotel and take the left elevator up). Gothrough the big double doors across from the entrance. Jump on the bigred button to pick your Race Options and Chao. Only Jewel will win youEmblems. Your Chao must come in first to win the Jewel and the Emblem.Each Race tests certain skills, listed here.-The Pearl Course tests strength.-The Amethyst Course tests running, but high flying ability means anawesome short-cut.-The Sapphire Course tests all-around stats.-The Ruby Course tests swimming.-After winning all four Races, the Emerald Course is available.

ThisCourse is a combination of the Amethyst and Sapphire courses, soyour Chao must be well-trained and rested.Sometimes a Chao will be randomly chosen by the computer, and will havewhite sparkles following it. Now's the chance to blow away the competi-tion! If it's your Chao, MASH any of the buttons like crazy, but stickwith one button (I use (A)). If it's not your Chao, let the little snotrun for itself.

:) To win Races, your Chao must have stats around 300or more.For all you lazy bums out there, the easiest way is to go to the SonicAdventure Homepage via the Internet option and go to Community, ChaoGardens, then Chao Daycare and download a maxed-out Chao (999 in allstats).

Sonic Adventure Dx Guide